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Automotive Technician Profession and Its Duties

Mengenal Profesi Teknisi Otomotif dan Tugasnya - Teknisi adalah seseorang yang memiliki keahlian di bidang teknologi tertentu. Umumnya pekerjaan ini memiliki sistem kerja yang sangat kompleks. Di beberapa area, mereka mungkin bekerja secara mandiri atau di bawah pengawasan seorang profesional.

Dibandingkan dengan pekerjaan lain, profesi ini lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu di lapangan daripada di dalam ruangan.

Banyak sektor industri yang memiliki teknisi atau mekanik otomotif di bidangnya. Beberapa contoh pekerjaan yang mudah ditemukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari adalah teknisi atau teknisi untuk perawatan dan pemeliharaan sistem, dan lain sebagainya.

Mengenali Profesi Otomotif

Definisi Teknisi Otomotif

Pengertian bidang secara umum adalah seseorang yang menguasai teknologi tertentu yang lebih memahami bidang tersebut. http:id.wikipedia.orgwikiTechnician, sedangkan otomotif adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang mesin kendaraan bermotor seperti mobil dan sepeda motor. http:mechanicotomotifcaterpillar.

Berdasarkan beberapa definisi di atas, dapat dipahami bahwa teknisi otomotif adalah seseorang yang menguasai bidang otomotif dan memahami banyak teori tentang mesin otomotif. Pekerjaan teknisi otomotif adalah jenis kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh manusia berdasarkan bidang keahlian yang berhubungan dengan mesin. Artinya seorang teknisi otomotif harus mampu menguasai semua bidang keahlian otomotif.

Tidak hanya itu, ia juga bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan pemeriksaan dan perawatan rutin. Secara teknis teknisi atau teknisi adalah “minyak” yang menjaga sistem teknologi, seperti mesin, tetap berjalan.

Salah satu profesi yang berkaitan dengan bidang teknisi adalah teknik mesin. Jenis pekerjaan ini banyak digunakan di bidang transportasi, industri, kelistrikan, dan manufaktur mesin. Berdasarkan keragamannya, pekerjaan mekanik memiliki cakupan yang luas di banyak area industri. Pada umumnya profesi yang satu ini berada pada posisi entry level. Ada banyak pilihan spesialisasi dalam pekerjaan ini, mulai dari mekanik mekanik, mekanik elektrikal, hingga mekanik industri.

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Teknisi

The primary job of a mechanic is to assist in the design, development, testing, and manufacturing of mechanical products such as machinery and equipment.

Generally, perform a variety of tasks, such as evaluating new design sketches and changing equipment, interacting with coworkers, and designing blueprints. They are also responsible for estimating the age of the equipment, space to place the machines, to the workforce.

The following is a list of responsibilities carried out by this profession:

  • assisting mechanical engineers with design and maintenance tasks.
  • application and perform diagnostic tests on mechanical systems.
  • Develop and implement mechanical maintenance plans to prevent costly equipment breakdowns.
  • Troubleshoot malfunctions and make repairs.
  • Document all processes and record mechanical services.
  • Monitor the availability of spare parts and restock all supplies.
  • Optimize mechanical efficiency by adjusting all machine and equipment settings.
  • Train colleagues in the safe and efficient use of machinery and equipment.
  • Maintain a tidy work environment and comply with all industry regulations.
  • Must have technical skills

Skills a Technician Must Have

In general, some mechanical tasks require manual work. But not infrequently also required the ability to analyze and monitor data. This profession will require these two abilities, namely technical and non-technical abilities. The following is a list of the main and advanced skills required:

1. Core skills

There are some basic skills that a technician must have, namely:
  • Knowledge of mathematics related to machines
  • Knowledge of machinery and equipment
  • Quality control analysis
  • Operation monitoring
  • Critical thinking
  • Complex problem solving
  • Analyzing Ability
  • writing and verbal communication skills

advanced skills

While the skills that a mechanic must have are:
  • Thrive in a collaborative and fast-paced environment
  • Ability to motivate yourself
  • work and self-study

The Advantages of the Automotive Engineering Department are Very Promising

1. Complete knowledge from upstream to downstream

If you study at the Automotive Engineering Department, you will get comprehensive knowledge from upstream to downstream. Starting from the body design and vehicle design, the engine manufacturing process and its manufacture, the testing process to the production and maintenance process.

The initiative is to thoroughly study the process of manufacturing and operating land vehicles, from motorcycles, cars, trucks, buses to trains.

But of course later you will have its own specialization in a special field or system, such as exhaust system, combustion engine, chassis (internal frame), body and others.

For example, if you have a greater passion for car, motorcycle, or bus body design, you can become a specialist in that area. Or if you are more interested in assembling a car engine exhaust system, you can also become a specialist in that field. So, you are free to choose according to your interests.

2. Challenging and interesting learning activities

In lectures only in this department, you will get a lot of very interesting college experiences, not about technique, your creative side will also be honed. Some areas of activity that will be carried out by students of the Automotive Engineering Department are as follows:

Design and produce visual models of vehicles, including their components using paper and pencil, clay models, wooden models and using computer-based software.

Design, select and optimize the use of suitable materials for automotive components, apply the principles of mechanics, thermodynamics, and mechatronic principles to solve problems that arise and find appropriate solutions.

3. The work is extensive and promised

Don't think that Automotive Engineering graduates will only work in workshops! Since you have extensive knowledge of technical design and design, development, production and maintenance, your job opportunities will be vast.

You will have the knowledge to design vehicles both in terms of engines and bodies. For this reason, not only working directly with machines in the field, many graduates work behind computers as maintenance planners, engineers and designers. You can be an automotive specialist to a locomotive engineer.

With this comprehensive knowledge, you will have the opportunity to become the backbone of a leading vehicle manufacturer as well as a manufacturer of engines and parts. For example Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Hyundai, Astra, BMW, Mercedes Benz, to Ferrari and others.

4. In Indonesia, it is still rare but it will be needed more and more

Data from the Indonesian Automotive Association (Gaikindo), shows that Indonesia's car production in 2018 reached 1.34 million units, growing 10.4% compared to 2017 which was close to 1.22 million units.

Even in 2020, Indonesia's production capacity is targeted to reach 2.6 million units, of which 1.6 million units are for the domestic market. as well as motorcycles, their production and consumption increase sharply every year. From these data, it is clear that graduates majoring in Automotive Engineering will definitely be highly sought after, especially in the next few years. This is a golden opportunity!

5. Can contribute a lot to society and the earth

If you have a high social spirit and want to make big changes that are beneficial to the lives of many people, then this major can be an option.

One of the negative sides of increasing production and consumption of vehicles is the higher level of pollution and the depletion of fuel oil. Both of them brought great damage to the earth.

Untuk itu, semakin banyak ilmuwan dan perusahaan yang berusaha menciptakan kendaraan ramah lingkungan dengan memanfaatkan energi lain selain minyak bumi.


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